Burés Cultural Centre
Burés Cultural Centre is located in unit 3 of the old Burés factory. It is made up of the 1st October Room, the Ballroom and the Burés Educational Centre.
The 1st October Room hosts concerts, performing arts shows, audiovisual screenings, cultural events and more.
The Ballroom is mainly used for leisure activities and celebrations for older people. On 1 May, the now-traditional lunch to pay tribute to the town’s older people takes place.
The Burés Interpretation Centre is in the process of being created thanks to the co-financing of the FEDER 2014-2020 Operational Program (50%), charged to the budget of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Diputació de Girona (25%).

Historical archive
Contact: arxiuhistoric@angles.cat
Anglès Town Council has its own historical archive. Inventory, description, classification, arrangement, evaluation and document selection tasks are currently being carried out.
The most notable artefacts in the archive include the banknote printed during the Second Spanish Republic, plans of the Burés factory and old photographs. The Masats family’s collection, which contains sheet music for many sardana pieces, was recently incorporated into the archive.
To access the archive, please request an appointment and fill in the ‘access to public information’ form, which you will find in the procedures section of the Town Council’s website.

Joaquim Bauxell Library
Address: Carrer de la Indústria, 6, 17160 Anglès
Phone: (+34) 972 42 37 20
Contacte: biblioteca@angles.cat
What does it offer?
Information and responses to specific information requests:
- In-library consultation of books, magazines, newspapers and audiovisual materials.
- Lending service (books, magazines and audiovisual materials), both from the library’s own collection and from the rest of the Public Reading System of Catalonia network.
- Computers with basic software, an internet connection, and document scanning and printing facilities.
- Wi-Fi.
- Guided tours for getting to know the library’s services.
- Information for users on the availability of reserved or requested documents.
- Assistance with using information technology.
- Specific areas for different uses and users (children, adults, etc.).
- A programme of cultural (reading promotion, book launches, talks) and educational (courses, workshops) activities.
- Local information.
- Photocopier for public use (coming soon).
Practical information
- Access to the library and its services is for everyone and free of charge, under the following conditions:
- To use the lending service, you will need a Public Reading System of Catalonia library card.
- To use the Wi-Fi or computers with internet connection and office software, you will need to sign up to Girona Provincial Council’s Puntxarxa system.
- Prior registration will be required for some activities. This will be indicated in advance.
- There is a registration fee for some activities. This will be indicated in advance.
- A public fee or rate has been established for some services in the municipal bye-laws.
- Young people under the age of sixteen must have permission from their legal guardian in order to use the lending, Wi-Fi and public computer services.
Opening hours:
- Monday–Friday, 3 pm–7 pm
- Wednesday and Saturday, 9 am–1 pm
- Monday–Friday, 4 pm–8 pm
- Wednesday, 9 am–1 pm

Burés Educational Centre
This facility is currently being created, thanks to co-funding from the ERDF 2014–2020 Operational Programme (50%), included in the Government of Catalonia budget, and from Girona Provincial Council (25%).
The project consists of a museum and educational centre on the history of the Anglès Valley. It will also act as a visitor centre and a hub for promoting tourism in the area.
The goal of the centre is to help visitors to discover a historical legacy spanning over 2,700 years, and all in one heritage space that looks at European history – from the Neolithic period to the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – from the perspective of uses of natural resources: metals, wood and water.

The creation of this website has been carried out in the framework of the execution of Operation 7 of the PECT Girona, Active Heritage, 50% co-financed by the FEDER Operative Program of Catalonia 2014-2020, charged to the budget from the Generalitat de Catalunya, and 25% from the Diputació de Girona.