Trade in the Anglès town
In this section you can find the different Anglès shops, services and supplies.
Can Jaume
Candies, grana and a selection of local .
Postal address: C/ NORD, 20 Phone: 972.42.21.43
Pastisseria Piferrer
Cake shop. Typical sweets of our festivities, roscones de Reyes, Thursday cakes “llarder”, “roscones de Rams, Easter cakes with the best chocolate, San Juan cakes, Festival Pastries, chocolates, “panellets” and a wide variety of nougats.
Postal address: PLAÇA DE LA RUTLLA, 2 Phone: 972.42.02.55
Mail: pastisseriapiferrer@gmail.com
Quim Pa
Bakery. Production of all types and varieties of flours. All products are made using traditional methods.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 22 Phone: 616.807.641
Mail: gemmavilarosanchez@yahoo.es
Forn de pa el Llevat (Can Parramon)
Artisan bakery.
Postal address: C/ DEL PONENT, 30 Phone: 972.42.05.10
El Celler del bon vi
Local products such as fresh vegetables from farmers in the area, fruit from Girona, farmer’s eggs, etc. They have a variety of nuts and grana, bulk wine and all kinds of drinks.
Postal address: C/ COMERÇ, 5 Phone: 972.423.926
Mail: elceller@hca.cat
Can Centena
Postal address: C/ GIRONA, 17 Phone: 972.42.00.03
Carnisseria Manel
Butcher shop. It stands out for its handcrafted specialties such as mushroom blood sausages, chicken burgers, meat pies, various types of fillings, etc.
Postal address: CARRETERA D’OSOR, 41 (GRUP LA PAU) Phone: 972.42.07.57
Mail: info@carnisseriamanel.com
Web: www.carnisseriamanel.com
Cal Flequer Nou
Grocery store.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 29 Phone: 972.42.00.56
Carnisseria Bon Tall
Butcher shop. Fresh products and quality meat.
Postal address: C/ TRIASSA, 12 Phone: 972.42.10.60
Mail: carnisseriabontall@gremicarn.com
Estima´t centre de bellesa
Beauty salon.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 56
Phone: 972.42.43.99 Móvil: 622200588
Mail: info@agrobotigasantabarbara.com
Òptica Rueda
Health establishment dedicated to optics and optometry.
Postal address: PLAÇA DELS HORTS, 1 Phone: 972.42.05.05
Mail: opticarueda3@otpicarueda.com
Llibreria i Regals Nati
Bookstore, stationery, administration nº1 of La Grossa, informal gifts for women and men, bags, wallets, clothes for boys and girls, floral gifts… and recently we have incorporated sporting goods.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 22 (Commercial Galleries) Phone: 972.42.09.06
Mail: llibrerianati@gmail.com
Calçats Torras
Shoe shop.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 65-67 Phone: 972.42.18.11
Mail: calzadostorras20@hotmail.com
Host Computer Anglès
Repair and reconfiguration of computers, laptops, tablet PCs, both with hardware and software.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 27 Phone: 972.42.02.77
Mail: info@hca.cat Web: www.hca.cat
L’Aula 9 Anglès
Training in modern languages such as translation. English, French and German classes, school support classes, summer activities for children and teenagers.
Postal address: C/ NORD, 35 BAIXOS Phone: 972.42.39.70
Mail: laula9@laula9.com Web: www.laula9.com
Women’s fashion store.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 59 Phone: 972.42.02.48
Mail: salob59@hotmail.com
Estanc Anglès Nº 1
Tobacco, lottery and a variety of articles for smokers.
Postal address: C/ COMERÇ, 9 Phone: 972.42.07.11
Única Moda
Fashion store and accessories for women.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 57 Phone: 972.42.10.72
Mail: unicamoda2012@gmail.com
Calvo Joiers
Sale of jewellery and watches. They also have a workshop for the repair and creation of unique jewels through a traditional process.
Postal address: C/ COMERÇ, 14 Phone: 972.42.43.44
Mail: calvojoiers@hotmail.com
Evann Perruquers
Totally personalized and individualized service. Specialties in hair dermoanalysis applying the latest technologies.
Postal address: C/ SANT MIQUEL, 21 Phone: 972.42.25.00
Mail: evannjg@gmail.com
Neu Punt
Dedicated to lingerie and underwear as well as various accessories, both for men and women.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 19 Phone: 972.42.07.09
Gim Jazz
Postal address: AVINGUDA PIUS XII, 20 Phone: 972.42.20.21
Mail: gimjazz@hotmail.com Web: Gim Jazz
Pep Basó (Hortelà)
Professional cleaning and disinfection services for the food industry.
Postal address: CARRETERA D’OSOR, S/N Phone: 659.36.47.07
Mail: josepbaso@gmail.com Web: www.hortdenbas.blogspot.com.es
Perruqueria de Tres
Hair salon. Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 27 Phone: 972 42 18 41
Òptica Milent
Optics. Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, S/N Phone: 972.42.21.20
Mail: angles@opticamilent.com Web: www.opticamilent.com/es/optica-milent-angles
El Peixet d’Or
Lottery administration.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 46 Phone: 972.42.31.95
Mail: cat_peix@msn.com
L’Estètica Iolanda Riba
Aesthetic Center.
Postal address: C/ VERNEDA, 21 Phone: 972.42.06.58
Web: www.esteticaiolanda.com
Ones Medicina estètica
Medicine and aesthetics Center.
Postal address: C/ GIRONA, 40-Anglès. Phone: 972.42.02.21
Mail: ones.estetica56@gmail.com
Armeria Puig
Hunting and mountain products, as well as footwear and specialized clothing.
Postal address: C/ VERNEDA, 17. Phone: 972.42.05.59
Cosint Idees
Creative haberdashery.
Postal address: C/ GIRONA, 13 Phone: 872.50.54.07
Mail: cosintidees@gmail.com
Perruqueria Boix
Male hairdresser. Barbershop.
Postal address: CARRER TRAVESSERA, 5 Phone: 972.42.06.06
Tot ok
Home appliances and white range electronics. Technical and repair service.
Postal address: PLAÇA CATALUNYA, 10 Phone: 972.42.22.88
Mail: laparadetabonmati@hotmail.com
Interior reforms. Specialists in reforms of bathrooms, kitchens, whirlpools and swimming pools. Domestic and building thermal installations (air conditioning and heating), gas installations and electrical installations.
Postal address: C/ COMERÇ, 13 Phone: 693.79.06.98
Mail: reformes_jpedraza@hotmail.com
Electro Merkat
Appliances and repair service.
Postal address: PLAÇA DE LA RUTLLA, 14 Phone: 972.42.40.47
Mail: angles@electromerkat.com Web: www.electromerkat.com
Ferreteria Castañer
Hardware items
Postal address: AVINGUDA ANTONI GAUDI, 49 Phone: 972.42.11.33
Mail: ferretcastaner@qfplus.com
Ioga sana Studio
Yoga Center.
Postal address: C/ EIXAMPLE, 4 Phone: 620 213 390 21.33.90
Restaurant Orient
Chinese Food.
Postal address: C/ GIRONA, 18 Phone: 972 42 36 70
Bar el Canyo
Family restaurant bar. Grill available by orders in advance.
Postal address: AVINGUDA DE SANTA COLOMA, 32 Phone: 972.42.11.56
Bar JB: Bar
Hot and cold dinners, tapas, pizzas, sandwiches…
Postal address: C/RAMON FUSTER, S/N. Phone: 972.42.01.28
Kebab Anglès Bar i Pizzeria
Kebab, bar and pizzeria.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 38
Phone: 972.10.43.67 – 631.39.06.74 – 638.656.203
Bar Can Mont
Restaurant and tapas kitchen.
Postal address: C/ TRIASSA, 101 Phone: 972.42.13.12
Hostal Tarrés
Hostel with a restaurant serving traditional Catalan cuisine and a bar.
Postal address: PLAÇA CATALUNYA, 5 Phone: 972.42.13.14
Mail: contactar@fondatarres.com Web: http://www.fondatarres.com/
Uri´s Bar
Postal address: C/ GIRONA, 8 Phone: 681.11.38.54
La República Cafè Bar
The objective of La República is to be a meeting point, civic center, where to go with friends, family or a meeting point with old colleagues.
Postal address: PLAÇA CATALUNYA, 11 Phone: 693.70.50.45
Restaurant l’Aliança 1919
Fusion of the old café-bar of the grandparents with the most mythical dishes of the kitchen.
Postal address: C/ JACINT VERDAGUER, 3 Phone: 972.42 01.56
Mail: info@alianca1919.com
Bar Cal Mariner
Its specialty is tapas with more than 15 classes to choose from.
Postal address: AV. PIUS XII. S/N Phone: 972.42.01.21
Hostal Can Massot
The establishment offers a bar-restaurant service.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 62 Phone: 972. 42.00.07
Mail: canmassot@hostalcanmassot.com Web: http://www.hostalcanmassot.com
La Rutlla Café
Sandwiches, mixed dishes, tapas, salads, pizzas and we have a takeaway service.
Postal address: PLAÇA DE LA RUTLLA, 11 Phone: 972.42.09.55
Mail info@larutlla.cat
Restaurant Ca l’Elisa
Home cooking and traditional.
Postal address: C/ SALVADOR ESPRIU, 9-11 Phone: 972.42.02.87
Bar Granja Maria
Postal address: C/ GIRONA 26 Phone: 972.42.36.80
Hostal Tarrés
Family hostel.
Postal address: PLAÇA CATALUNYA, 5 Phone: 972.42.13.14
Mail: contactar@fondatarres.com Web: http://www.fondatarres.com/
Hostal Can Massot
Family hostel.
Postal address: C/ INDÚSTRIA, 62. Phone: 972.42.00.07 42.00.07
Mail: canmassot@hostalcanmassot.com Web: http://www.hostalcanmassot.com
Turisme Rural Can Pol de Dalt
On the slope of Les Guilleries, between La Selva and El Gironès.
Postal address: VEÏNAT DE TRULLÀS Phone: 972.42.00.52
Mail: info@bedandbike.cat Web: http://www.bedandbike.cat/