Help to enrich the history of Anglès
Here at Anglès Town Council, we want to encourage everyone to actively collaborate towards recovering our town’s historical memory.
That is why we are asking you to come to us with oral testimonies and objects, old photographs and other documents from prior to the 1980s that you are looking after so lovingly at home.
Objects will be documented and photographed and other material (photographs, films, documents) will be digitised.
The originals will be returned to their owner as soon as possible; in other words, collaborating on this project does not involve donating anything. Oral testimonies will be recorded with a sound recorder or a video camera.
We are looking for machinery, tools and other equipment relating to traditional trades and agricultural, mining or industrial activities; handwritten documents (letters, personal diaries, illustrations, recipes, etc.); graphic or printed materials; photographs, video recordings or negatives; audio recordings; and anything else you deem to be of interest in terms of our community history.
This is a collective project that requires collaboration from everyone.
Want to help? Then get in touch!
Tel.: 972 74 90 44
Once the material has been processed, converted into digital format and returned to the owners, they will form part of a catalog that will grow over time available online in this section of the website.